Game Setup

Gravity Well starts in demo mode with the credits scrolling by. Praise and glory to the hard working individuals who dedicated their lives to this project.

To start a game, click the menu button. The following menu is displayed.


Selecting 'New' displays the Start Gravity Well setup box. Each of the buttons at the top can be pressed to randomize the values.


Load a save game.


Save the current game.


Quit the game. Does not prompt for saving.


The music can be toggled on or off. The arrows to the left and right of the toggle are volume controls. Any .mid file can be placed in the Gravity Well directory and the game will randomly play the song. There is no limit to the number of .mid files that can be placed in the directory. Lots of interesting .mid files can be found to enhance the ambience of the game.


The sound can be toggled on or off. The arrows to the left and right of the toggle are volume controls.


There are eleven increments of speed control.

Close Menu

This closes the menu.


The options menu allows you to toggle display options which can affect game performance. By default, orbit rings and unit fill are on while planet and star fill is off.


License allows you to enter your license and password when you register Gravity Well. A license will enable all the weapons and shields for the human player. See Licensing And Passwords for more information.


A little about us and how to contact us.


Displays the Table of Contents for Gravity Well help.

Control Summary Table Of Contents Playing The Game